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Meditation Musings - Part 2

an invitation that has been coming up often for me during my sitting sessions is to

rest with your mind wide open

an idea under the non conceptual awareness umbrella.

Let me try to paint a picture...

We all have a field of awareness. This space where everything is occurring through our specific lense/perspective of the world.

it begins here as we know it.

Every thought, sound, emotion, mood, idea, bodily sensation, worry, plan, memory, thing we see, food we taste.

each. and. every. thing.


it's arising, and then it falls away

it comes, and then it goes.

and then another in its place, then the next.

(our monkey mind swinging from branch to branch)

the idea of resting with the mind wide open is to not focus on one thing at a time - a thought, a sound etc.

but to.....

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