Spring 2024 Offerings
With such great success in our last event I have, by request added this in the calendar as a bi-monthly offering for the next few months and maybe beyond!
This is event is hard to describe but I will try to paint a small picture.
A group full of woman ready to connect with themselves. Spending time grounding the body, inviting in gentle movements and shapes. Exploring our senses, first by tasting food with all of our awareness. Caressing and activating the body. Garnishing our body with warm almond oil using gentle massage, an array of nudity is spread throughout the room from fully clothed to nothing but panties, not only to help access the body but to get to know it in a more intimate level.
Finishing off this evening with a meditation and cold plunge in the Beautiful Vedder River! All lead in a candlelit room with gentle music guided by me through my grounded presence.
When I finished my Yoga Teacher Training, I was brain storming ideas of events back in 2020. This was a pipe dream I had written down, an afternoon to tune out the exterior world so we could spend time in connection through embodiment practices with our internal world. a space where woman could come as they are. find vulnerability within themselves.
Though it was once a far away goal and vision. I am honoured to be at a place in my path to hold space for you in this way to tend to yourself.
Please let me know if you may have any questions at all.