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I'm Britt.

 Most notably, my favourite title is Momma, but I am a wearer of many hats.  Owner of the The Valley Bee Yoga & Art you can also find me rock climbing, driving all around town teaching, running in the mountains, adventuring with my kids, connecting with our community and meandering my way through this beautiful life.


I'm slowly learning that my unique experiences, talents and voice are needed. I hope you recognize that yours are too.


Training with Frik-Shuhn Yoga & Cosmic Kids Yoga, I am using my formal training within the yoga community and melding it with my gifts of connection, deep empathy, life experience and embodiment to imprint my small hand on this world. We can learn something from everyone we meet, I truly believe this. I do my best in every class and every interaction to meet people where they're at, to lead fully with my heart.


I am so full of gratitude to be able to create a life I love through Yoga for Kids, Gentle Adult Yoga, Art, and volunteering in my Community near and far.


I look forward to connecting with you.


all my love.








Let's Connect

I have been grateful to connect and work with so many amazing individuals and businesses since opening in 2020.  I love connecting and collaborating with like minded souls.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you may be looking for a Guest speaker on Yoga for kids or Seniors, to teach a community Adult, Adapted Chair or Kids yoga Event or more! I am open to your ideas and can't wait to work together.

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